Biographical/Genealogy Files
The Biographical files are mainly used by those researchers interested in genealogy and family history. Each name or family name listed corresponds to a folder of materials that may contain research notes, newspaper clippings, obituaries, copies of original manuscripts, and photographs (see also our Photographs page). More information can be found on and
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A • B • C • D • E • F • G • H • I • J • K • L • M • N • O • P • Q • R • S • T • U • V • W • X • Y • Z •
A .
Aaron, Hank
Abbott, Gerald E., Sr.
Abbott, John T.
Abrams, Stacey
Adair, Forrest
Adair, Jenneywayne H.
Adams, Elbridge Gerry and Elizabeth Shumate
Adams, Enos
Adams, Eugene
Adams, Judge Gregory A. (see also Oral History, 2020 to present)
Adams, John and Edith
Adams, L. D.
Adams, Salathiel
Adams, Velma Crawford
Aderhold / Adderholt
Aderhold, J. Don and Gerry
Adkins; see also Austin
Aides, E. Fred
Akin, George Russell
Akin, Ira Curtis (Curt)
Akin, Milton Chandler ‘Bud’
Akins, James (copy of land grant from Coweta County, 1832; original is Accession #1950.1)
Akins, James Francis family
Akins, Royal
Alexander, Hooper (see also Word)-2 folders
Alexander, Jo Holland
Alford, Charles J.
Alford (John T. and Lucy S.)
Allan, Elizabeth Ansley
Allen, Dr. David J.
Allgood, Dr. Conrad L
Almand, Bond (see also Oral History section)
Almand, Dr. Joe M.,Sr.
Almond, Calvin Rubertus and Maude Gresham, William Franklin “Frank” Powers family
Alston, Robert A.- 3 folders
Alston, Wallace
Amberson, Talmadge (see also Oral History section)
Anderson, Bill
Anderson, Jim
Anderson, Lib
Anderson, Richard O.
Anderson, Pvt. Robert B.
Anderson, William and Sarah, 1829
Andrew, Ruth
Andrews, James and Elizabeth
Ansley, David Henry
Ansley, Edwin P. (Ansley Park)
Ansley-Goss; Gordon-Park; Boynton-Bryan
Ansley, Wiley S.
Ansley, William Bonneau, Sr.
Arden, Irene
Arnold, Leila and Harry F.
Arp, Bill
Ashton, Clark
Atcheson, McDonald “Mac”
Atwood, Sanford
Austin, Aurelia (Mrs. M.A. Finch)
Austin, W. L.
Avant, Ray
Avery, Myrta Lockett article: “Georgia: A Pageant of the Years”, 1933
Ayers, Oscar Lee
B .
Bagwell, Clarise
Bailey, J.C. (of Bailey’s Shoe Shop) (see also Oral History section)
Bailey, Jackson
Bain, John Roderick
Baird, Rev. Joseph (McLain Families)
Baker, Calvin Ernest
Baker, Dr. W.B.
Baker, Thurbert
Baker, Miss Tommie L.
Baker, Walter, Sr.
Ballard, Rev. Jack
Ballard, Jessie Thompson
Bankston, Henry & Elizabeth, Sarah
Bankston, John A., 1st Lt. (Civil War)
Banner, Henry Clay (Civil War)
Bannister, David Cornelius (also Martin Thompson)
Baranco, Juanita P.
Barnes, Tommy
Barnett, Dr. E.H. (First Presbyterian Church)
Barnett, William (1862), division of slaves, DeKalb Light Infantry list of names
Barrow, Elsie
Baskett, Mickey and Jim
Bastin, C.B.
Bates, E.E.
Bayles, Roberta
Bazemore, Thomas and Alice O. (Autobiography and Book of Sermons, 1901)
Beauchamp, John William
Beauford, John J.
Beavers, Lynda
Beavers, Silas (first postmaster of Dunwoody)
Bechtel, Perry
Beck, Margaret W. (Mrs. Henry L.)
Becker, Cynthia (C.J.)
Beemon, Robert C.
Beggs, Douglas W.
Belcher, Ray, Avondale Estates- Ray’s Indian Originals store
Bell, Dr. James A.
Bell, Loretta and Thomas
Bell, Piromis Hulsey (Lawyer, Calico House)
Bell, Richard (Judge)
Benbow, Doras
Benfield, Stephanie Stuckey
Bennett, M. C.
Bennett, Rob
Benning, Gus
Benning, Thomas C.
Bergmark, Jean Robitscher
Biffle, John
Biffle, Leander
Biffle Researchers newsletter
Billingsley, Linda (see also Special Collections)
Billington, Barry
Billups, Lanier Richardson
Birney, Mrs. Alice McLillan
Bishop, Clara S. (deed from Levoy Hunter, LL 158)
Black, George Seaborn, Sr.
Blackburn, Ben B.
Blackstock, Winfield Scott and Helen Irvin
Blair, Michael
Blair, Ruth
Blakeslee, Esthere Jonte Ogden
Bleckley, Logan E. (Code of Georgia 1882)
Bledsoe, Barbara
Blesset, Elijah
Blocker, Thomas
Blomberg, Ronald Mark
Blondeau, Betty
Blount, Roy, Jr.
Blue, Gussie
Blumefeld, Warren S.
Bobo, Walton E.
Boe, Eric
Boggs, W. Marvin (Mr. & Mrs.)
Boggus, Virginia
Bogle, Col. James (see also Special Collections section)
Bond, Braswell, Floyd Families
Bond, Esom Jackson
Bond, I.A.
Bond, Joseph Ballenger family
Bond, Joseph Bryan- Lithonia; writer for DeKalb New Era
Bond, Lee Chupp
Bond, Nick
Bone, Dr. David K.
Bonewicz, Ziggy
Booth, Julie
Boothe, Ed/Inez
Boozer, Jack
Borglum, Gutzon
Bothwell, Eugene
Bouie, Edward Sr.
Bouie, Wendolyn
Bowden, Ralph
Bowen- Barbara Evelyn Bowen; Delores Bowen Ziegler; Harold King Bowen
Bowers, Robert Bruce
Boyd, Winfrey
Boykin, Fred
Bradberry, William W., 1862
Bradley, George P
Brady, Seaman Edwin C.
Branch, Caroline Montgomery (Mrs. Alfred, Jr.)
Brand, J.W. (Confederate Soldier’s Application)
Branscome, Curtis
Brantley, L.G.
Brazell, Guy Charles & Lucylle Lane Tatum
Breen, William H. Jr. and Bettye M.
Bridges, Chandler
Bridges, Glenn
Bridges, Margaret Raymond
Britt, Nelson J. (see Gwinnett Families)
Britt, Richard
Brittain, Thomas C.
Brock Family – Sheriff & Brock Family (Isaac, Reubin, Elias, Emory, etc.)
Also Rev. W.T.M. Brock
Brockett, C.T.
Brodnax, Edna May Keener (Mrs. Thomas H.)
Brodnax, Fran
Brooks, Myrt
Brooks, W.H., slave on Alston plantation
Broome, Robert K– Sheriff and Superior Court judge
Brown, A. Worley
Brown, Cornelius
Brown, Derwin; Sidney Dorsey- 2 folders
Brown, Dury
Brown, Fanning/Fannin & Samuel J. Brown
Brown, J.W.
Brown, Johnny (DeKalb Superintendent)
Brown, Johnson W “Dub” (Chamblee Mayor)
Brown, Josiah
Brown, Marel & Alex
Brown, Martha & Burl
Brown, Robert L.
Brown, T.M.
Brown, Thomas
Brown, William C.
Brown, William Hardy, Irena Matthews Brown & Family, William H, Jr.,
Posey Newton Brown & Family of Chase Brown of Douglasville, GA
Browne, Drennen
Bruster/Brewster (changed name)
Bryan, Jonathan (Sketches of Wife)
Bryan, Mary Givens
Bryan, Shepard
Bryan, Wright
Bryant, Lillian and “Gus”
Bryant, William M./Sunnie B.
Buchanan, L.C.
Buchanan, Owen E.
Budd, Warren C.
Bugay-Willis, Sabrina
Buggs, Elmer
Buice, Rev. Lester & Family
Burgess, Edward H.
Burgess, Henry
Burgess, Henry Claude
Burgess, Robert T. (Bobby)
Burke, Elizabeth
Burnett, Lucille S.
Burris, Chuck and Marcia- Stone Mountain
Burrus, Maud
Burton, Margaret L.
Bush, Marvin
Bushnell, Lucius
Butler, Gloria
Butler, John
Butzon, Mrs. Marta Kirsch
C .
Caffey, Eugene Mead
Caldwell, Erskine
Caldwell, Ruby
Calhoun, Charles- Decatur High School student, 1966; teachers Doug Joyner and Mrs. Mills
Calhoun, Dr. F. Phinizy Jr.
Calhoun, James M.
Callaway, Allan
Callaway, John (Ellenwood)
Callaway, Roe & Lois
Callaway, Tom
Calloway, Robert
Camp, Benjamin (served in the 21st GA Regiment, Army of Northern Virginia)
Camp, Felix Jr.- Junior Four Minute Speaker, Clarkston
Campbell, John Angus (1840-1933)
Campbell, Mary Foster
Candler, Asa Griggs
Candler, Charles Howard
Candler, Charles Murphey
Candler, John S.
Candler, Milton A./Eliza Caroline
Candler, Samuel C.
Candler, Scott
Candler, Scott Jr.
Candler, Warren Akin
Candler, William Word
Cargill, E.C.
Carley, George H. (Judge)
Carlisle, Mrs. Willis
Carlisle, Ralph (Judge)
Carlos, Michael C.
Carpenter, Robert
Carr, H.J. and family
Carrel, John (original documents – 1848 – Henry County)
Carroll, Bernice Vincent
Carroll, Ida Wallace
Carroll, John/Thomas
Carruth, Ludy/Ludie (1897 – 1910 deeds, original documents)
Carson, “Fiddlin” John
Carter, Jimmy
Cash, Oliver Perry and Amanda Jane
Cash, R.W. (maps and deeds, 1897)
Casteel, Ruby Brinsfield
Cauble, Thomas Vickers
Cavan, David
Center (James) family
Chandler, Jean
Chapman, A.B., Jr.
Chapman- Benjamin Franklin; Nathan,; William H.
Chapman, E.T. (Civil War)
Chappell, Cornelia
Cheek- J.H. Cheek, Will Cheek, Joberry Cheek (Dunwoody)
Cherry, Jim
Chesnut, David and Linda
Chesnut, Walt
Chewning, Ambrose
Chewning, Ebb. A.
Chewning, Thomas E./John C. (deeds/mortgage 1881-1890)
Chewning, William F. and Jesse
Childs, Grady L.
Chivers, Dr. Thomas H. and family
Chupp, D.A.
Chupp, Jacob and Elizabeth Marbut
Chupp, James Benjamin
Clack, Oscar Dean
Clack, Tommy
Clark, A.J./Turner P. (brothers)
Clark, Gen. Jonathan
Clark, John
Clark, Mary
Clark, Mayo Bradstreet
Clark, Noel Bromley
Clarke, Caroline M.
Clarke, William Henry/Elijah Henry
Clayton, Mary C.
Cleckley, Mary
Cleland, Max (see also Oral History section)
Cleveland, Belva
Cleveland, Jesse Franklin
Clinkscales, Martha
Clopton (Tom Clopton, Clopton Family Association)
Clopton (Lucas, Ivey, Gaines families & Thomas D Clopton, Sr)
Close, Anna Belle
Clotfelter, David H.
Cobb, Cully
Cobb, Lovick
Cobb, Raymond O., Sr
Cole, Marvin
Coleman, Bob
Collier, Mayson Smith
Collins, Annie
Compton, Martha Lumpkin
Cone, Jim
Conway, H. McKinley, Jr.
Cook - Cox
Cook, Clarence
Cook (Howard), Elinor
Cooper, Clarence Judge
Copelan, Stella
Coppedge, Llewellyn J.
Cordes, Marian Marsh (Mrs. William J.)
Cosse, Sara
Cottrell, Stan
Couch, Aubrey C.
Council, S. Anthony
Coursey, Jeff
Coursey, Tony
Cousins, Tom
Covalt, Fred
Covington, Alma Glenn
Cowan, Mr. & Mrs. Jack B.
Cowan, Mrs. Jessie
Cowan, Steve
Cown, Mrs. Emory S.
Cox, Jerome W.
Cox, Kathy
Coyne, James Prince
Craig, Mildred Houston
Crane, Grandpa Charlie
Crane, Gerald W.
Crane, Mary L.K.
Crane, William C. “Bud”
Crawford, George
Crawford, William
Cridland, Robert
Crockett, James P. (deeds 1879)
Cronin, Stephen
Crouse, Johnnie Marion W.
Crown, John Oliver- “A Chapter on Prison Life” (Federal war prison) booklet
Culbreath, Harold
Cunningham, R.A.
Cunningham, Recia
Cunningham, Robert
Cunyas, John (or Conyers?)
Curry, Doris (also Arnold, Haynes, Shaw)
D .
Dabs/Dabbs/Dobbs- John, James
Dabbs, Nathaniel
Dabney, A.B.
Dabney, W.J.
Dahlberg, A.W.
Dahlberg, Bill
Daniel, Edwin C., Jr.
Daniel, Eliner Perkins
Daniel, Troy Emory
Daniel, T Emory, Jr.
Daniel, Mrs. T. Emory Jr.
Daniels, Littleton (deed 1827)
Davenport, John H.
Daves, Francis
Davidson, Charles L Sr and family, Lithonia
Davidson, Julia
Davies, Geneva- “Songs of Valor”, Civil War poems
Davis (Hotel Hampton)
Davis, Agnes Rebecca
Davis, Anne E.
Davis, Edith
Davis, Eva- East Lake Meadows
Davis, Gladys
Davis, James C (see also Special Collections, James C Davis collection)
Davis, James Curran (Judge)
Davis, Mrs. Jefferson
Davis, Ken
Davis, Max
Davis, Mrs. Pauline Hudgins
Davis, Pat- nurse-attorney, AJC article, 1985
Davis, Tom
Day, Irene Kendrick
de la Cruz, Juliet
Deagen, Jerry
Deal, John Marshall
Dean, Betty
Dean, James Edward
Decatur, Stephen- 2 folders
Deer, Sandra
DeKalb, Baron Johann- 2 folders
DeLoach, Leon E.
DeLong, Horance Richard
Dempsey/Demsey, Alvin
Dendy, William Clay
De Soto, Hernando
Dewald, Gretta
James Diamond and his descendants
Dickson, William
Dieckmann, Christian W.
Dillard, George
Dillard, Mary
Dinapoli, Gerry
Dixon, George
Doherty, James
Dohn, Philip
Dorminy, Ora McCowen
Dowhy, Metro
Drake, E.A.
Driskell, Bill
Drozak, Pat Wade
Duarte, Julio
Dubner, Frances S. (Dr.)
DuBose, LaTrelle
Duffee, Lt. Roy K.
Dull, Mrs. S.R.
Dunaway, Sarah Owen
Dunstan, Edgar M. (Dr.)
Dunwoody, Olga
Durand, Samuel A.
Duren, J.A.J
DuVall, Rev. Wallace
Dyer, Edwin M. and Jeffie Preston; and Family
Dyson, Forest S. (U.S. Army, 1918)
Dziewierski-Pajonk, Rosa
E .
Easley – Thompson
Eberbaugh, Ben
Ector, Moses
Edge, Lt. David B.
Edmondson, Jerome
Edwards, Harry Stillwell
Edwards, Lonnie J., Sr.
Edwards, William Augustus (architect)
Ehle, C.W.
Eickhoff, Jerry
Eidson, Mary
Eison/Eisom, Andrew
Elam, Ralph C.
Elbert, Samuel (Maj. Gen.)
Eldridge, Leila Elizabeth
Ellis, Burrell
Ellis, Connie
Emerson, Patricia
Emmett, Daniel Decatur
Epps, Pat
Erdican, Achilla Imlong
Estes, William Paul
Ethridge, Lewis, security deed with slaves
Evans, Frances Porter
Evans, James M- Civil War era, census
Evans, John (see also Oral History section)
Evans, Josephine
Evans, J. Rufus, M.D.
Evans, Nancy Hull
Evans, Sarah Avary
Evans, William “Bill” M, Sr.
Evans, William H. (see also Oral History section)
F .
Fain, James C. (Jimmy)
Farris, Ezekiel
Faver, Jack
Fayssoux, Britt
Fears, Lois (see our Blog)
Fellows, Major Willis S.
Fellows, Velma
Felton, Rebecca Latimer- 2 folders
Ferrell, Joseph
Fewell, Richard B., Sr.
Fields, Edwin Smith, Sr.
Fischer, Donald
Fite, William Andrew
Fitzgerald, Wilbur
Flake, Thomas Jefferson (1838)
Flanigan, Sara
Fleming, Gwen Keyes
Fletcher, Joel
Flewellen Letters (1837)
Flint, John
Flowers, John Ebenezer
Flowers, John Yancey
Floyd, Bill
Floyd (see Bond-Braswell Family)
Foderingham, Noel
Fones, Daniel
Forbes, John Ripley
Ford, Rev. Austin
Foster, Eula/Elsie
Fountain, Sara
Fountain, T.J., Jr.
Fowler, A.C., John Luther (1861 – deed of land purchase, original documents)
Fowler-Brogden families (1840 original documents)
Fowler family- general files
Fowler (Anna) family- letters
Fowler family- wills
Fowler, Joel
Fowler, John W. (Civil War letters)
Fowler, Minty
Fowler, Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. (Lithonia)
Fowler, William
Fox, Mary
Franklin, Anne
Fraser, Donald and Mrs.
Frederick, Faye
Freeman, Mary J. (1881 original documents)
Fuller, William Allen
Fulton, Sarah
Furse, Col. F.
Furse, Sarah B. (see also Oral History section)
Furse, Stephen, 2 folders
G .
Gabhart, Diana Ruth
Gaines, Frank Henry, Dr.
Gainey, Ryan
Galifianakis, Frances
Gardner, G. Holman
Gardner, Susan
Garrett, Franklin M.
Garrison, Webb
Gaudier, Dale & Deborah
Gay, Evelyn Ward
Gay, Mary Harris
Gentry, William T.
George, Catherine Coates
George, Homer F.
George, Mercer M.
George, Tunstell B.
Gerberding, Julie, Dr.- CDC
Gerwig, Robert (Bob)
Gibbs, James M.
Gibbs, Jeanne Osborne
Gibson, Bill & Eloise
Gibson, William Bayne (see also Special Collections section)
Gilbert, Dan
Gilbert, Isaac
Gilleland, Ona Lee
Gillespie, Richard Thomas, DD, LLD
Gilliland, Delia S. and Roy J.
Gilliland, Ely and E.W.
Gilliland, Hugh, John, James R. (of Alabama)
Gilliland/Gilleland Families of Kentucky
Glascock, Thomas
Glen, John (clerk of Superior Court, DeKalb, 1834-1844)
Glenn, Col. Joshua N. (Jack)
Glenn, Miss Layona
Glenn, Wadley R.
Glover, John
Godsey, Hiram
Goff, John H., Ph.D (two articles relating to the economic history of Georgia, 1950)
Goldman, Moe
Goldsmith – Bryant
Goldsmith, James H.
Goldsmith, James W. (deed 1890)
Goodwin Family (see also Special Collections section)
Googer, M.D. (former chief of police of Decatur – see The Police Review in subject files)
Gordon, John B.- 2 folders
Gore, Betty Lou- “Many Dreams Ago”, a collection of poems
Gorman, Leah
Gott, Walter
Grabowski, Jane Harpole
Grady, Henry W.
Grant, Ellen P.
Grant, Henry
Grant, Lemuel P.
Grant, Tobie
Graves, John W.
Greear, Joe- Growing Up on The Edges memoir; Brookhaven, Toco Hills, Tullie Smith House
Green, John Howell Jr.
Green, Joseph
Green, Juanita Connell
Green, Lessie Rebeccah, born into Choctaw Nation
Green, Ruth (original document; 1910, Decatur Public Grammar school diploma) (see also Special Collections, Ruth Green collection)
Green, T. Grady
Green, William Hudson
Greenberg, Al
Greene, Clement Comer Clay
Greene, Eva Jewell
Gregory, C.E.
Griffith, Dr. Don
Grigsby, Paul
Grizzle, Rena
Grizzle, Roy Ames Charles- President, DeKalb Historical Society, 1961- 3 folders
Grogan, Pvt. Dawlman C.
Grogan, Thomas
Groomes, Ruby
Gross, Lila
Guess Family (see also Goodwin)
Guess, Carl Newton
Guess, Edwin Harrison
Guess, Frank L.
Guess, Marion
Guess, William
Guhl, A.C. (Bob)
Guinta, Ann
Gunn, Heather (formerly of Lakeside H.S.)
Gutzke, Dr. Manford G.
Guynn, Jack
Gwaltney, Clinton B.
H .
Hagan, Sam
Hall, Edna
Hall, Ernest Roy
Hall, Jake
Hall, Leila
Hall, Theresa
Hallford, J. Reynolds, “Renie”- superintendent of DeKalb County Schools
Hambrick, Johnnie
Hamilton, Frank (Frank Hamilton School of music, Decatur) (see also Oral History, 2020-present)
Hamilton, Ida
Hamilton, Joan L. (1884 original documents regarding estate)
Hamilton, Lois
Hamilton, William (Jack) Jr.
Hanie, Robert E.
Hanson, Grace Robinson Wynn
Harber, Mary P.
Hardemann, Mrs. Annie
Harper, Mrs. J.A.
Harris, Mrs. Charles Leon
Harris, Corra
Harris, Joel Chandler
Harris, Julian
Harris, Narvie Jordan and Harris, Joseph Leonard- 2 folders
Harris, Robin
Harris, S.G.
Harris, Thomas (Deed 1848, original documents)
Harrison, Clark (see also Oral History section)
Harrison, Donald Lee
Harrison, Emily
Hart, Jean
Hartley, Evelyn
Hartry, James
Harvey, Chris
Harville, Ron
Harwell, Frank
Hawkins, Benjamin
Hawkins, John
Hayes, Guy
Haynie, Delvous
Head, L. Johnson
Heard, Dr. John P.
Heinrich, Oscar
Heinz family (murder case)
Helton, Tom H.
Hemphill, Oliver Willis M.
Henderson, Charles Burkett
Henderson, Greenville (War of 1812)
Henderson, J.M. (plot of estate, 1928)
Henderson, Major A. (son of Greenville)
Henderson, William Greenville
Henderson, William Griffin
Henderson, William Riley
Hendricks, J.W. (1868 original document U.S. Patent Office)
Hendry, T. C.
Henry, Capt. Dickson
Henry, Franklin Berry (fought in Battle of Atlanta)
Herring, Kay
Herronton, William S.
Hertzler, Claire Underwood
Hester, Fred L.
Hester, Mrs. H.G. (original documents: 1857 deed indentured, government document 1862 $50 script note, original Planters Bank of States)
Hiatt, Samuel and Jewell Varner Hiatt
Hicks, Hix Family
Hicks, Julian
Hicks, W. Emerson Sr.
Higginbotham, Joe
Hightower (of Virginia)
Hill- Redmond Thomas Hill Jr. and Sr., Forrest M Hill, T.P. Hill (see also Paradise in Olde Decatur book, written by William Forrest Hill)
Hill, Joseph Edwards
Hill, Peggy Simms Thompson (see also Special Collections)
Hill, Vera Rush
Hisan, James
Hodges, Terry
Hodgson, Newt
Holbrook, Rev. Tim W.
Holcombe, Jack H.
Holleyman, W.F., Cora, and Dr. T.S.
Holmes, Pvt. Henry S. (Kirkwood)
Holston, Isabelle Daniels
Holt, Emily
Holt, Richard; Juhan, will, including slaves
Honiker, Armand, Elizabeth, and family
Hooks, Jan- actress, Saturday Night Live and more
Hooper, Judge John Word (1797-1868)
Hooper, Todd
Hopkins- William Henry Hopkins, Rachel Garmon Hopkins, Mildred Hopkins Mainor
Hopkins, Mr. and Mrs. O.C. (letter, 1928)
Hopkins, Nanette
Hopkins, Dr. R. Stan
Hopkins, Virgil G.
Hosch, J. Alton
Hosch, William H. Jr.
Hosford, William D
House- Samuel and others
Houston – Bond
Houston, J.S.
Houston, Washington J
Howard, Catherine Ridley
Howard, David T.
Howard, Fred (Maj.)
Howard, Homer
Howard, Pierre
Howard, William Schley
Howell (from Early Georgia Marriages)
Howell, Evan P.
Howell, Hugh Jr.
Howell, James T.
Howell, Luther
Howell, Martin Samuel
Howell, Randolph
Hoyt, Lucy Maria Bogle
Hubert, Arthur Daverson Jr.
Hubert, H.O.
Hudgins, Carl T. (essay on Indian Trails)
Hudgins, J.L.
Huie, Dr. Ward P.
Hull, Dr. James L.
Hulsey, Jennings
Hulsey, Marion
Hunstein, Carol W.
Hunt, Frank G. (patrolman Decatur police – see New Police Review in subject files)
Hunt, Robert T. (original documents re: 1858 GA Military Institute)
Hunter, Benjamin T.
Hutchens, Roy E.
Hutcheson, Arthur (original documents: 1889 estate voucher, cash book, expense account)
Hutchins, Arthur L.
I .
Indigo Girls
Ingram, John Frank (Don)
Irvin, John
Ivy, Hardy
J .
Jackson, Albert Sidney
Jackson, Daniel E.
Jackson, Edward
Jackson, George (Old Hickory House restaurant)
Jackson, Henry R.
Jackson, John F.
Jackson, Ralph Tellis
Jackson, William Arthur, Jr.
James, Curtis
James, J.L. (Deed Notice 1896)
Jarrott, Ginny
Jarvis, Robert P. (Pat)
Jasiewicky, Henry J.
Jeffares, Bennett Rainey
Jenkins, Gordon Alexander
Jenkins, Lewis
Jett, Fannie Mae (see Fannie Mae Jett in Special Collections)
Jett, Fred E.
Jett, Rebecca
Jewell, Richard
Johns, John B. (see also Special Collections)
Johnson, Andrew
Johnson, Aycock
Johnson, B. Aton, Mrs.
Johnson, Bettye June
Johnson, Claire
Johnson, Daniel William
Johnson, Elsie W.
Johnson, George W.
Johnson, Isaac W.
Johnson, J.L.
Johnson, John Gerdine
Johnson, Julia Elsie
Johnson, Katherine
Johnson, Lochlin
Johnson, Nathan
Johnson, Nelle
Johnson, Preston
Johnson, William
Johnston, Mabel Scott
Jolly, James M family- Clarkston
Jolly, Mrs. L.D.
Jones, Abram Tillman “Tim”
Jones, Anne Register
Jones, Annie
Jones, Ashton
Jones, Ben
Jones, Bobby
Jones, Carlos and Dora Akin Jones
Jones, George Hamilton
Jones, Gordon
Jones, Henry Clay
Jones, James Rowland
Jones, John William
Jones, L. Bevel III
Jones, Orran Washington
Jones, Paul Griffin
Jones, Ransom & Elizabeth Wallace
Jones, Rees
Jones, Rufus C.
Jones, Seaborn
Jones, Simmons
Jones, Sorrow Garrett
Jones, Thomas N.
Jones, Timothy E.
Jones, Vernon
Jordan, Mary B.
Juhan; Richard Holt, will, including slaves
K .
Kaywood, E. Roy
Keating, Tom (see also Program Audio for presentation on Saturday School; see also Special Collections)
Keenan, Vernon
Kehr, Mrs. Paul D.
Keller, John
Kelley, DeForest
Kelley, Robert “Bob” W.
Kellogg, Ed
Keln, Mrs. Paul D.
Kenton, Neola B.
Kerr, Rev. B.C.
Keyes, Gwendolyn R.
Khadan, Kelvin R.
Kimball, H.I.
Kimbrell, Jackson (1882 original document, indenture)
King, Alberta Christine Williams
King, Elizabeth
King, Hal and Family
King, Margaret
King, Martin Luther Jr.
Kiser, M.C.
Kitchens, Leon L.
Kitchens, Leon Jr.
Knox, Eleanor
Kootz/Kutchinsky /Schweizer
Koplan, Jeffrey (CDC)
Kurtz, Wilbur G., Sr.
Kyle, Elliott
L .
Lambert, Ann
Land, Max
Landord, E.P.
Landover, Samuel
Lane, Helen
Lane, Mills B.
Lanford, E.C. (Estate sales 1894 original documents)
Lanford, Jessie (original document 1870)
Langford, Frances (Mrs. William A.)
Langley, Alton W.
Lanier, Robert and Scarlet
Lanier, Sidney
Lanier, Stella (Lanier Garden)
Lankford, W.P.
Lashner, Annette
Lawrence, James Cameron
Lawrence, Roscoe
Lee, Betty English
Lee, Gordon
Lee, Hubert
Lee, Joe
Lee, John Taylor and Millie Frances Sewell Lee
Lee, Mark D.
Lee, Rebecca
Lee, Robert E. family tree
Lee, Robert J.
Lee, Sara
Leitch, Robert
LeVert, Thomas Eugene (Gene)
Levitas, Barbara
Levitas, Elliott
Lewis, Ann E.
Lewis, Crawford
Lewis, Earl
Liane, Levetan
Lind, Edward (architect)
Lindsey, E. Byron
Liorens, Joseph
Litton, Dr. James H.
Litton, Mrs. J.W.
Lively, Charles
Lively, Gene
Livsey, Mrs. R.L. – (1862 correspondence, Camp Lamar, Yorktown, Virginia, between brother and sister)
Llewellyn, Jane
Llorens, Joseph V.
Loap, Barbara
Lockhart, Malcolm
Lockhart, Ralph
Loewenstein, Howard
Long, Carol Dinkler Weekes
Long, Crawford W.
Love, Dr. Ida
Lowney, J.S. (former City Manager of Decatur – see “New Police Review” in subject files)
Loyd, Joseph
Loyd, Juda
Luckey, John B.
Lyle, J.H. – 1861 purchase orders
Lynch, John Henry
Lynch, William Joseph
Lyon, Ben and Bebe
Lyon (see John Biffle File)
M .
Mable, Maury F.
MacDonald, Flora
MacGill (items in Oversized Storage)
Mackay, James- 2 folders
Mackle, Barbara Jane
Maddox, Emilie P.
Maguire, Thomas
Majette, Denise
Malone, Henry Thompson
Malone, W.B. (Woody)
Maloof, Manuel (newspaper special editions as well)
Manget, H.F.
Mann, Carolyn Becknell
Manners, Claire
Manners, Dr. George E.
Manning, Brince III
Manning, Brince Jr. and family
Marbut, John K.
Marlatt, Luci B.
Martin- 8 books of Martin Family Quarterly from the 1980s
Martin, Estelle Mae
Martin, Gus
Martin, J. Lamar
Martin, Dr. Lewis W.
Martin, Rounelle
Mason, Herman Jr. (Skip)
Matthews, Charles A
Matthews, Doris
Matthews, G.W.
Matthews, H.J.
Matthews, Lawrence
Matthews, Mrs. Antoinette Johnson
Matthews, Warren
Maxwell, Frances
McAlister, James R.
McCain, James Ross
McCarter, Wellborn Philips
McClelland, John
McCorkle, Annis
McCranie, Maggie W.
McCullar, Bernice
McCullar, Horace Edward
McCulloch, John and Elizabeth
McCurdy-2 folders
McCurdy, Douglas
McCurdy, John C.
McCurdy, Julius (see also Oral History section)
McCurdy, Lucile
McCurdy, Walter Jr.
McDaniel, Charles Pope
McDowell, “Mac”
McElroy, John Calvin
McElvaney letters
McEntire, J.T.
McEntire, S.C. (Seab)
McGinnis, Charles W.
McGinnis, Hiram
McGrill, Patrick (copy of 1788 will)
McKay, Ida Mae Britt
McKinney, Billy
McKinney, Charles D.
McKinney, Cynthia (newspaper special editions as well)
McLain, Warren Sr.
McLendon, Jane
McLeod, Stine
McMillan, Aurelia Roach- 3 folders
McMullan,Blanche Bagley
McMurray, Payne
McMurray, William Leroy
McNeil, Col. James
McPherson, James Birdseye
McRae, David Edward, Lt. (Vietnam, MIA)
McRae, William G.
McWhorter, Hugh
McWilliams-2 folders
Meacham, Henry Sr.
Mead Family-2 folders
Means, Dr. Alexander
Mears, Mike and Sue Ellen (see also Oral History section)
Medlock, Randolph
Medlock, Wm Parks
Meek, Trevor Glenn
Mell, Mildred Rutherford
Mell, Valerie
Melton, Ira B. Sr.
Menaboni, Athos
Meredith, Robert
Merritt, Levi
Midgette, Gordon Moody (former DeKalb Historical Society director)
Mikell, Donna Beemon
Millard, Herbert J.
Millas, Rovla Speros
Miller, Belle
Miller, David G., Lillian, Anna
Miller, H.M.
Miller, James B.
Miller, Virginia F.
Miller, Zell and Shirley
Minor, Roy Palmer
Mink, Lawrence
Minsk, Annie (see Rittenbaum family)
Mitchell, Eugene M.
Mitchell, Judge Oscar (see also Oral History section)
Mitchell, Lavinia Norman
Mitchell, Margaret
Mitchell, Nimrod, slaves as part of the estate
Mitchell, Pvt. Ray
Mitchell, Ralph
Mitchell, William
Mize, John Wesley
Moffett, Thomas
Moncrief, Adiel J.
Moncrief, Festus R.
Montgomery, Charlene
Montgomery, Keith
Montgomery, Mrs. Mary P.
Moody, Eddie
Moon, Frances
Moore, Ernest
Moore, James “Red”- Negro (Baseball) League
Moore, Hill and Julia Ann Northern
Moore, Thomas Henry
Moreland, Major A.F.
Morgan, Dewit C. (correspondence with Missouri Stokes filed under Stokes, Missouri)
Morgan, Dorothy P.
Morgan, Horace P.
Morgan, T.H., architect
Morgan, J. Tom
Morris, Aubrey
Morris, Eloise
Morris, Fred A.
Morris, George Washington “Watt” (founder of Cedar Grove Methodist Church, later called Morris Chapel)
Morris, Hattie S.
Morris, Robert J. “Bob”- District 4 Commissioner
Morrison, William M.
Morse, Gene and Chester
Moseley, Earl Thomas
Moseley, Frances P.
Moseman, Mary Pope Morris
Murphey, Charles
Murphey-Roseberry (WWII memorabilia)
Myers, Orie E. Jr.
N .
Najjar, Abdallah E.
Najour, George
Napier, George M.- Attorney General, 1920
Nash, John Nesbit family
Nash, Lewis family
Nelms (see also Oral History section)
Nesbit, William
NeSmith, Helen C.
Neugent, Susan E.
Newsome, Jane Owen
Newton, Dr. Louie D.
Newton, John
Nieves, Dany
Nix, Dorothy- 5 folders of articles written by Nix, 1 folder of biographical information
Noble, Rev J Phillips (Freedom Riders); see also Oral History
Noble, William
Norcross, Mr. and Mrs. Otis P.
Norrman, Godfrey, architect
North, James F. (Jim)
Nour, Elias (see also Special Collections)
O .
O’Doherty, Bernie
Oglethorpe, James Edward
O’Hair, Ralph
O’Kelley, Mattie Lou
Oliver, Henry
Ollis, Jane Bell
O’Nan, Harry
O’Neal, Leon
Oney, Steve
Oni, Sam
Ordner, Helen
O’Rouke, M. Juanita
Orth, Elizabeth G.
Osbourne, Kerrie
Ott, John
Owen, Eddie
Owens, Sue Ellen
Owens, Ted R.
Oxford, J.L.
Oxford, John M.
Ozmer, John W.
P .
Padgett, J.L.
Papadopoulos, John
Parent, Elena
Paris, Joyce
Park (1895 original pamphlet, 1909 Scholar Report)
Park, Addie
Park, Russell
Parker, Beth
Parker, Daniel Hall (Civil War)
Parker, Isaiah
Parker, W. J.
Parks, Joseph
Parks, Raymond K.
Parris, Robert
Parsons, Sara Mitchell- author, From Southern Wrongs to Civil Rights
Partridge, Sadie
Pass, Warren H.
Patillo, Mrs. W.P.
Patterson, Charlotte Williams
Patterson, Esmond J.
Patterson, Josiah Blair
Patterson, Samuel
Pattillo, C.E.
Pattillo, Dan
Pauley, Frances
Paullin, William L. Jr.
Payton, Clifford
Payton, Early S.
Peacock, J.T.
Pearce, Kathleen
Peavy, Harry Candler
Peavy, Virgil
Peeler, Judge Clarence (see also Oral History section)
Pendery, George Willard
Perkerson, Dempsey
Perkins, Jim
Perrin, Tom and Doris
Perry, Clayton H. and Lib
Person, Charles (Freedom Riders)
Philips, Dr. J. Davison
Philips, F. (Redan)
Phillips, Brandon
Phillips, J.M.
Phillips, Robert Johnson
Phillips, Thomas H.
Piel, Frances
Pierce, George Washington
Pitman, Elisha D.
Pittard, F.
Plant, Percy (6 folders)
Plunkett, “Sarge”
Pomeroy, Sanford
Porter, Frances
Porter, Frank
Porter, Logan
Porter, Will
Potts, Samuel
Pound, Sidney F.
Pounds, Pauline
Power, Joseph and Isabella
Preacher, G. Lloyd
Preston, Mrs. J.E.
Prevatt, C.V.
Price, Jamie
Price, Kelly
Prickett and Parks families
Prince, Syble
Pruitt, Hoyt L.
Puckett, Harris
Puckett, John L.
Pugh, Joe
Pullen, Greenville Taylor
Pyron, William
Q .
Quinones, Pedro P.
Quinton, 1820, 1830 census
R .
Rainey, H. Fess
Rainwater, Charles Veazey, Sr.
Ramsey, Calvin
Ramspeck, Robert
Ramspeck, Miss Lottie
Ramspeck manuscript
Rankin, Capt. John G.
Ranking, John
Redding, Ruby (Mrs. J. Frank)
Reeves, William
Reeves, Joel
Reid, Neel (architect)
Reinhardt, Marion
Remigailo, Damon
Renfroe, Carl
Reynolds, Elzey
Reynolds, Jack
Reynolds, John R.
Reynolds, J. Low
Rhyne (see Alexander, Hooper file)
Rice, Carole
Richardson, Anna P.
Richardson, Thomas
Riddle, Nell Franklin
Ridley, John Robert
Rinhard, Floyd and Marion
Ripley, Katherine
Robarts, Faye-Huntington
Roberts, Doris
Robertson, Andrew B.
Robertson, Miss Florine
Robertson, Margaret (see Ball, Peter)
Robinson, Cas Rep.
Robinson, David E. III
Robinson, Erma Johnson Whitehurst
Robinson, Kristen
Robinson, William Henry
Robinson, Dr. W.S.
Rodney, Lester
Rogers, Robert J., Jr.
Ross, Eleanor
Roth, Bill
Rothman, Richard
Royall, John Martin (Jack)
Rumsay, William
Ruskin, Gertrude McDavis
Russel, Kay
Russell, Walt
Ruthland, Calvin
Rutland, Guy W. Jr.
Rutland, Guy W. Sr.
Rutland, Theodore Robert
S .
Safford (Original letters, c. 1849-1865)
Saggus, Samuel
Salesky, George H.
Sams, Augustine
Sams- Bentz
Sams, Eileen Dodd
Sams family
Sams, Lula Duncan
Sams, Marion
Sams, Richard F. Jr.
Sanders, Anna (see also Lucious Sanders)
Sanders, Eugene H.
Sanders, John
Sanders, Lucious
Saunders, Al
Sayward, William J. (architect)
Scaglion, Jim
Scantland, Dwight
Schmidlin, Sara
Schmidt, Ruth (first female president, Agnes Scott College) (see also Oral History collection)
Schmidt, Steve
Scoggins, Lillian McWilliams
Scott, Agnes Irvine
Scott, George Washington
Scott, George Washington- diary
Scott, Jacqueline
Scott, Kelsey
Scott, Milton C. (see also Oral History section)
Scott, Tommy
Seacrest, Ryan
Seeliger, Judge Clarence (Chuck) (see also Oral History section) (see also Special Collections section)
Segars, Mildred B.
Sequin, Joey
Seward, Coleman
Sewell, W.H. (Shorty)
Sexton, Walter Alonzo- Exodus of Decatur Refugees
Shad, John J.
Shaffer, Ruby Nell
Shanahan, Vicki
Sharian, Bedros Sr.
Sharian, Paul- see also our Oral History, 2020-present page
Sharpe, Hiram
Shaw, Harry B.
Shelnutt, Lillian
Shepherd (Shepherd Spinal Center)
Shepherd, Helen
Shepherd, Rev. Hubert Floyd
Shepherd, William Clyde
Sheppard, Carol
Sheppard, Henry Milton
Sheppard, J.A.
Sheppard, William
Sheth, Jagdish
Shinhoster, Earl T.
Shirley- 2 folders
Short, Richard K, Jr.
Shoults, Carrie
Sibley, Celestine
Sikes, Raymond
Silvey, Marie
Simmons, Dr. Vee (see also Special Collections)
Simpson, Arthur
Simpson, Guss
Simpson, Homer Andrew
Simpson, Ludie
Simpson, Ralph
Simpson, Silas Milton
Simpson, Thomas William
Singleton- 3 folders
Singleton, Franklin P. (1898 Deed)
Singleton, George W.
Singleton, James F.
Singleton, James Madison (1892 Warranty Deed)
Singleton, Jeff
Singleton, Joseph J.
Singleton, Millard
Singleton, Nolon
Singley, Tom
Sitton, Pauline
Skelton, Beverly Mason
Slater, Barbara Jones
Slaughter, John and Gloria
Smith, Albert Cecil
Smith, B.J. (Judge)
Smith, Miss Daisy Francis
Smith, Deen Day
Smith, Enrique R
Smith family
Smith, Francis Marion
Smith, Mrs. Glynton M.
Smith, H.N.
Smith, Isaac F.
Smith, Joseph Harold
Smith- Kennedy- Collins
Smith, Parker Burgess
Smith, Rankin
Smith, Robert Franklin
Smith, Robert Hiram
Smith, Robert J.
Smith, Whit
Smith, William Robert
Spalding, Hughes
Speer, Maud Roach
Speights, Russell
Sprayberry, William
Stanley, Mrs. E.A.
Staples, Henry Perry
Stapp family of Alabama
Stapp family- 2 folders
Stapp family of Kentucky
Starke, Jane Hodges
Staton, J.B.
Steagall, Al
Steele, Leslie and family
Steinberg, Cathy
Steiner, Andre (architect)
Stephens, Alexander
Stephens, Dorothy Jewell Sawyer
Stephens, Franklin
Stephenson- bible records
Stephenson, James L., Dr.
Stephenson, John
Stephenson, Josiah
Stephenson, Thomas Randall
Steward, Absalom
Steward, Aulston
Steward, John Barnett
Steward, Joseph
Stewart, Teri (see also Oral History)
Still, Benjamin
Stinson, Charles H.
Stinson, Iva Lee Stovall
Stockard, Dolores (see also Oral History page)
Stokes, Missouri
Stokes, William
Stokes, William H.
Stone, Daniel
Stone, Joseph
Stone, Noah
Storey, Ruth
Stovall, Paul M.
Stowers (see also Warren-Stowers)
Strange, Edith N.
Strickland, William J.
Stringer, Robert H., Sr.
Stringer, W. Kenneth
Stubblebine, Roberta
Stuff, Ida Wells
Suttles, William
Sutton, E.B.,E.M.
Swaney, Lee (former mayor of Clarkston)
Swift, Edna Lowe- first Black graduate, Agnes Scott (see also Oral History)
Swilling, Sam
Swindall, Pat
Swofford, Ron
T .
Tallant, Mrs. Marge
Talley, Amanda
Talley, Farrish
Talmadge, Herman
Tarleton, Fiswoode
Tate, Anna
Tate, J.V.
Tatman, Georgann
Tatum, Burt
Teate, Dr. H. Luten, Jr.
Terrell, William H.
Terry, Bobby Richard
Terry, Mrs. Mary
Terry, Stephen
Terry, Thomas
Terry, William
Thibadeau, William C.
Thigpen-Milosz, Carol Marie
Thomas, George
Thomas, Greta
Thomas, Henry “Hank” James (Freedom Riders)
Thomas, John Greenberry
Thomas, Kenneth (Ken)
Thomas, Nadine
Thomas, Nesby (see also Judge Seeliger, Special Collections)
Thomas, Steffen (see also Oral History section)
Thomas, W.B.
Thomas, Wales Wimberly (1922-1998)
Thompson, David
Thompson -2 folders
Thompson, Jones (Bible records)
Thompson, Dr. Joseph
Thornton, W.W.
Threadgill, Selman
Thrower, Louise Wilson
Tibbitts, Joseph C. (1845 account statement; also see Tibbitts in Special Collections)
Tice, Harry E.
Tilley/Tilly, Stephen
Tillman, Judge Curtis
Timme, Bill
Tisdale, Harry
Tolbert, Chuck
Torrence, Gwen
Towers, Rev. Lewis
Towers, William Alden
Treadwell, E.E.
Tribble, R.H.
Trice, Mrs. Manolia C.
Tricoli, Anthony S.
Trimble, Della
Trott, Grace Evelyn Moore
Tucker, Lawrence (Tuck)
Tufts, Arthur; Tufts House (Emory)
Tuggle, Charles
Tumlin, Sarah Jean
Turner, Aubrey Mel
Turner, Charles Henry
Turner, E.T.
Turner, Evelyn
Turner, Fred
Turner, Jean
Turner, Judy
Turner, Mary Agnes
V .
Vandiver, Roy W.
Van Valkenburg, Mrs. Chase
Vaughan, Virginia (Mrs. George M.)
Vaughters, Silvey Brice (see also Special Collections, Vivian Price Saffold collection)
Veale, Nathaniel
Venable, Bill and Billy
Venable, James R. (see also Oral History section)
Venable, William and Samuel
Vinson, Thomas O.
Von Bolt, William
W .
Waddell, Charles H.
Waddle, Alfred
Wade, N.E.
Wade, P.A.
Wade, Paul
Wade, Robert
Wade, Zachary
Wagner, Eugene R. Sr.
Wagner, James
Waits, Johnny
Waits, J.W.
Waits, Mark
Waits, Sarah
Waldrop, Homer
Walker, Costelle
Walker, Edward and Caroline
Walker, Eugene
Walker, Dr. Harry Chandler
Walker, Joseph
Walker, Lou and Theresa
Wallace, Ina C.
Waller, Ralph
Walsh, Helen
Warbington, Ellemander
Ward, Judson (see also Oral History section)
Ward, William
Ware, William Orie
Waring, Grace
Warren, F.E. (Ferdinand) – obituary of this artist and former Agnes Scott Professor
Warren, E.P.
Warwick, Andy
Wasdin, Rose
Washburn, Bill
Watkins, Beverly “Guitar”
Watson, Tom
Watson, W.R.
Watts, John
Weaver, Benjamin
Weaver, Jackson
Weaver, G. Alvah
Weaver, J. Calvin
Weaver, Jackson
Weaver, William Holt
Webb, Carl O.
Webb, Susan
Webb, Wiley
Weed, William
Weekely, Gwen
Weekes, John W.
Weekes, Leona
Weeks, Bartemus (1821 land lottery, 1799 seal)
Weems, James Thomas
Welch, Jerry
Weldon, James
Wells, Bonnie and Winnie
Wells family- Emanuel Wells, Elizabeth Wells, Miles Wells, Elisha Wells, Willis Lea Wells, etc.
Wells, Cliff
Wells, Doris K., DeKalb’s first African- American librarian
Wells, George R. (original letters)
Wenger, Nanette K.
Werner, Jon
Wesson, Ashford
Westbrook, John
Westrom, Art
Whaley, Ernie
Whaley, James William
Wheeler, Jacob
Wheeler, Joseph
Wheeler, Pete
Whidby, William G.
White, B.F.
White, Goodrich
White, S.E.
White, Dr. William N. (1811 original letter)
Whitfield, Curtis Lee
Whitlow, slave census 1850
Whitt, Charlotte Riley
Wilburn, Leila Ross (architect)
Wilkerson, Roger
Wilkie, Claire Cox
Wilkes, J. W.
Wilkins, Commander Bennie F.
Willard, Levi (includes Beach and Brain families)
Willard, J.J.
Williams- Oscar Raymond, John Berry, Lisbeth McDaniel, Minnie Estelle Campbell
Williams, Hiram
Williams, Hosea (newspaper special editions as well)
Williams, Jesse
Williams, John
Williams, Kress R. (Bill)
Williams, Sidney Earle
Williams, Wheat, Jr. and Sr. (see also Special Collections section)
Williamson, Randall
Wilson, Billy
Wilson, Blondine Smith
Wilson, Bob
Wilson, Carter
Wilson, Clifford F. Sr.
Wilson, Elizabeth (see also Oral History section, YouTube channel; see also Special Collections)
Wilson, Pvt. James Ollie
Wilson, John A.
Wilson, J. B.
Wilson, Mayme F.
Wilson, Walter L.
Wimpy, W. E.
Wingate Family
Winningham, Oliver
Winslow, Thomas Edward (also Iola Fowler, Beatrice Winslow Flake)
Withers, Edward Arundel
Witt, Florence L.
Womack, Macie Donaldson
Wong, Alvin
Wood, Martha (1895 original document)
Wood, John Y.
Wood, Thomas
Woodall, John
Woodall, Philip
Woodard, Cathy
Woods, Maggie Carolyn
Woods, W.B.
Woolard, Cathy
Woolf, Sarah
Woolley, Basel
Wooten, Martha
Word, Ernest
Worrell, Patricia
Wright, Roberts
Wright, William (Civil War)
Wright, William D., Ava A.
Wyatt, Caroline
Wyatt, Eugene Cox (Wyatt Memorials)
Wyatt, Rubye
Y .
Yarbrough Family Quarterly
Youmans, Jim
Young, Emory Carl
Young, Hardaway (Buddy)
Z .
Zeller, Marie Starr
Zuber, Leo J.- “What’s a Map Worth?”, Metropolitan Planning Commission, 1950