Past Programs

DHC Programs: California Architecture

Lunch and Learn: The California Fires and Landmark Architecture with Robert Craig

Lost Landmark Architecture in California

DHC Programs: South-View

DeKalb Traveler: South-View Cemetery

Join other DHC Members on a tour of South-View Cemetery

DHC Programs: Ornament

Historic DeKalb Courthouse Ornaments

Adorn your tree with a Historic DeKalb Courthouse ornament!

DHC Programs: David Roberts

Hops at the History Center: Travels along the Nile River, uncovering history

Along the Nile, In the Footsteps of David Roberts with Robert Craig 

DHC Programs: Writing Workshop

Workshop Series: Writing Family History

Learn strategies and insights to write your family history

DHC Programs: 2025 Black History Month Celebration

2025 Black History Month Celebration, Love Letters to the Caribbean

Join us for our 17th Annual Black History Month Celebration, February 27 2025.

DHC: Marching Abominable Seed and Feed

Hops at the History Center: Seed & Feed Marching Abominable

History of Kelly’s Seed and Feed Band

DHC Programs: Regency History

Hops at the History Center: The Regency Period with Atlanta Historic Dance

History of The Regency Period

DHC Programs: Willis Denny

Hops at the History Center: Architect Willis F. Denny

Willis Denny (1874-1905), remarkable Atlanta Architect lecture.

Archives Showcase: Kirkwood Neighborhood

Join us in the archives for a showcase featuring items related to Kirkwood.

DHC Programs: Postcard

Hops at the History Center: Postcard Collecting with GA Postcard Club

Postcard Collecting with Ken Thomas

DHC Programs: Impact EOY 2024

End of Year Fundraiser: Impact

Donate to help support the DeKalb History Center in 2024.

DHC Programs: Swaptember 2024

SWAPtember Membership Savings-2024

Swap the savings during SWAPtember

Hops at the History Center: Athos Menaboni

Athos Menaboni Presentation, one of Georgia’s most prolific artists.

DHC Public Events: Autumn Tea Workshop

Workshop: Autumn Vintage Teas and Treats

Enjoy fresh garden teas, heritage treats, and historic knowledge in this workshop by Naturalist Katie Hendrickson

DHC Programs: Winecoff Fire

Hops at the History Center: Winecoff Hotel Fire: Story of Survival

History of The Winecoff Hotel Fire

Doraville Archives Showcase

Join us for an archives showcase highlighting collections from Doraville

DHC Blog: Edwards part II

Hops at the History Center: William A. Edwards, Architect with Robert M. Craig, PART II

William A. Edwards (1866-1939) was one of the most prolific school architects of his generation designing in Atlanta and Decatur.

DHC Programs: Decatur Cemetery

DeKalb Traveler: Decatur Cemetery

Join other DHC Members on a tour of Decatur Cemetery

DHC Events: Silent Auction Fundraiser

Disco Sneaker Ball and Silent Auction

Get your groove on and join us for our annual fundraiser event

DHC Programs: William A. Edwards

Hops at the History Center: William A. Edwards, Architect with Robert M. Craig, PART I

William A. Edwards (1866-1939) was one of the most prolific school architects of his generation designing in Atlanta and Decatur.

DHC Programs: Pitts

DeKalb Traveler: Pitts Theology Library

Join other DHC Members on a tour of Pitts Library

DHC Programs: SCAD

DeKalb Traveler: SCAD FASH, Museum of Fashion and Film

Join other DHC Members on a tour of the SCAD Fash

Workshop: Repackaging Your Family Memories

Learn strategies and insights to wrangle your family history

DHC Programs: Shyran

Shyran’s Showcase: A Panel Discussion

Enjoy a special panel discussion about the history of Black teen clubs in Atlanta

Hops at the History Center: Odyssey with Tom Chaffin

An illuminating and lively story of Charles Darwin’s formative years and his adventurous voyage aboard the H. M. S. Beagle

DHC Blog: Downing

Hops at the History Center: W.T. Downing, Architect with Robert M. Craig

Known early as a domestic architect of “artistic homes,” W. T. Downing (1865-1918) was one of Atlanta’s leading architects of the late-Victorian / Edwardian period.

DeKalb Trivia and Happy Hour

Test your knowledge of DeKalb County history

DHC Programs: Teas and Treats

Workshop: Vintage Teas and Treats

Autumn Teas and Treats Workshop Katie Hendrickson’s Vintage Teas & Treats Workshops celebrate heirloom garden wisdom, vintage baking memories, and historic knowledge presented in a “Friendship Tea Party” setting. Guests will taste multiple fresh Autumn garden teas paired with seasonal heritage treats; including 1840s shortbread, Ginger spice cookies, Pumpkin scones and local honey. Naturalist Katie […]

DHC Programs: Decatur Architecture Tour 2024

Decatur Architecture Walking Tour- 2024

Learn about the architectural details of some of Decatur’s historic hidden gems in this walking tour of Decatur.

dhc programs: bruce street history

Lunch & Learn: Legacy and Future of Bruce Street School

Bring your lunch and learn about the history of Bruce Street School, the first African American public school in DeKalb County

DeKalb Traveler: African Textile Museum

Join other DHC Members on a tour of the African Textile Museum in Stonecrest

DHC Programs: brown vs board archives showcase

Archives Showcase: Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the Brown v Board of Education Decision

Explore some of our education-related files from the Roger Mills and Narvie Harris Collections

DHC Programs: Hank Aaron Book

Lunch & Learn: Henry “Hank” Aaron with author Randy Louis Cox

715 at 50, the Night Henry “Hank” Aaron Changed Baseball.

DHC Programs: Carlos Museum Tour

DeKalb Traveler: Carlos Museum Conservation Tour

The Science Behind Conservation  at the Carlos Museum at Emory.

DHC Programs: Genealogy WOrkshop

Virtual Workshop: African American Genealogy with American Ancestors

Virtual Genealogy Workshop- African American Ancestors


Book Sale and Happy Hour

Shop the DeKalb History Center’s large collection of books! Enjoy trivia, games, prizes, and a happy hour from 5-7 pm.

DHC Programs: Mary Joseph

Lunch & Learn: African American Historic Preservation Network

The objectives of the Georgia African American Historic Preservation Network

Annual Meeting and Happy Hour

Join fellow DHC Members at this year’s Annual Meeting


Black History Month Harvest with The Arabia Alliance

Dust off the old family albums and bring us your rare, vintage, and historic images

DHC Programs: Robert Windsor Smith

Hops at the History Center: Robert Windsor Smith, Birds of Kirkwood with Michael Ayling

Birds of Kirkwood, The untold history and legacy of Kirkwood’s ornithologist

DHC Programs: Phoenix Flies

Phoenix Flies: Decatur Architecture Walking Tour

Take a tour and explore the architectural styles of some of Decatur’s historic gems and hidden treasures

DHC Programs: Maybeck

Hops at the History Center: Bernard Maybeck vs Julia Morgan with Robert M. Craig

Fake News: Seven Decades of Misinformation regarding Bernard Maybeck, Julia Morgan, and the Principia commission.

DHC Programs: Oglethorpe

Hops at the History Center: James Oglethorpe, Father of Georgia with Michael L. Thurmond

Join Michael L. Thurmond, DeKalb County CEO, as he discusses his new book James Oglethorpe, Father of Georgia

DHC Events: Tribute to Black History

2024 Black History Month Celebration, A Tribute to Black History in DeKalb

Join us for our 16th Annual Black History Month Celebration, February 22, 2024.

DHC Programs: McDonald

Hops at the History Center: Architecture of the Last Colony with Mark C. McDonald

Architecture of the Last Colony surveys the most important extant buildings in the state of Georgia.

DeKalb Traveler: The Chapel on Sycamore

Learn the history of the Chapel on Sycamore

DHC Programs: Decatur Monument Tour

Walking Tour: Decatur Square Monuments

In an exploration of Decatur Square, we will see what we find and consider the layers of meaning in the assortment of monuments you can find there.

Lunch & Learn: Decatur Hero of WWII

Bring your lunch and learn about a WWII Hero

DHC Programs: DeKalb Traveler Grant Mansion

DeKalb Traveler: L.P Grant Mansion & APC Headquarters

Tour the Grant mansion on this tour with DeKalb History Center Members.

Archives Showcase: DeKalb County Garden Clubs

View a collection of our garden club scrapbooks ranging from the 1930s to the 1990s.

DHC Programs: Olmsted LInear Park

DeKalb Traveler: Olmsted Linear Park Alliance Tour

Tour Olmsted’s Linear Park on this walking tour with DeKalb History Center Members.

Brutalist Architecture Walking Tour-Decatur

Learn about Brutalism and some examples in Decatur and DeKalb County

Archives Workshop: Identifying & Preserving Images Workshop

Learn tips and tricks to help identify and preserve images within your own collection

DHC Programs: Meet Up

Member Meet-Up- GSU Perimeter College Garden

Join other DHC members for this casual and free meet-up at the GSU Perimeter College Native Botanical Garden. George Sanko, botanist, established the DeKalb College Botanical Garden in the spring of 1990. The garden also features a Ferns of the World area. This section contains possibly the largest selection of ferns in the US and […]

East Lake Walking Tour

Enjoy a stroll along Alston Drive in East Lake, learning the history of the homes, neighborhood, and East Lake Golf Club.

DHC Program: Taylor Tickets

Taylor Swift Tickets with Golden Ticket: DeKalb History Center

Win Taylor Swift Eras Tickets with a donation to the DeKalb History Center.

DHC Programs: Brew and Buildings

Brews and Buildings: Magical Mystery DeKalb Walking Tour

Join us for a series of magical and mysterious pop-up tours around DeKalb County.

Archives Showcase: Back to School

Explore our collection of yearbooks, scrapbooks, and more that highlight the school experience in DeKalb County.

Lecture: History of the Postcard with Robert M. Craig

Learn all about the birth and evolution of the postcard

DHC Programs: DeKalb Traveler Tour

DeKalb Traveler: Home Garden Tour

Take a tour and learn about Georgia native plants with a home garden tour.

DHC Programs: Genealogy

Archives Research Workshop: Genealogy

Learn tips and tricks to help fill out your family tree, genealogy.

DeKalb Traveler: Decatur’s Legacy Park

Take a tour and learn about Decatur Legacy Park’s past and future

DHC Programs: Eastlake Victorian

Hops at the History Center: Eastlake Victorian

Learn about Eastlake Victorian with Robert Craig at the DeKalb History Center.

DHC Programs: Fletcher Pearson Crown

Lecture: Fletcher Pearson Crown and Crown Camellia Gardens

Learn about Fletcher Pearson Crown and the Crown Camellia Gardens

DHC: Programs Prom Spring Fling

A Historic Prom Night to Remember, Annual Spring Fling and Silent Auction

Join us for our Annual Spring Fling, Prom held at the DeKalb History Center.

Lunch & Learn: Fox Theatre Institute

Bring your lunch and learn about the Fox Theatre Institute

DHC Programs: Westview

DeKalb Traveler: Westview Abbey and Cemetery Tour

Take a tour of the Abbey at Westview Cemetery

Book Launch: The Woman with the Cure

Author Lynn Cullen will be launching her new novel, The Woman with the Cure

Lunch and Learn: A. S. Turner and Sons

Learn about the 120-year history of A. S. Turner and Sons Funeral Home

DHC Events: Black History Month Celebration

2023 Black History Month Celebration, Black Church Music

Learn about the role Black Church Music has played in Georgia’s history.

Hops at the History Center: Collegiate Gothic

Learn about Collegiate Gothic Architecture.

DHC: DeKalb History Center 75 Years

End of Year Fundraiser: Celebrating 75 Years

Donate to help support the DeKalb History Center

Lunch and Learn: Resurgens Theatre Company

Learn about the Resurgens Theatre Company and Decatur’s historic Masonic Temple building

DeKalb Traveler: Waffle House Museuem

Take a tour of the Waffle House Museum with fellow DHC members

Lunch and Learn: Frank Hamilton School

Enjoy a performance by Mick Kinney from the Frank Hamilton School

DeKalb’s Bicentennial Birthday Bash

Birthday Tickets and Time Capsule Tickets     Thank you to our sponsors 

Hops at the History Center: Olmsted’s Linear Park

This is the story of how a handful of people preserved, protected, and enhanced the linear park so that it can be enjoyed for generations to come.

Archives Tour: House Research 101

Get a behind the scenes look at the archives, with a focus on house research

Archives Tour

Get a behind-the-scenes look at the archives

Leila Ross Wilburn and the MAK Historic District Walking Tour

Learn about the influential architect Leila Ross Wilburn and the MAK Historic District in Decatur

Lunch & Learn: Restoration of the Smith-Benning House

Robert M. Craig discusses the restoration of the Smith-Benning House

Annual Membership Meeting

Join fellow DHC members for our annual membership meeting

Winter Book Sale

Shop the DeKalb History Center’s collection of books

Evening Historic Courthouse Tour

Learn about the history of the Historic DeKalb Courthouse

Phoenix Flies: Decatur Architecture Tour

Learn about the architectural details of some of Decatur’s historic hidden gems

Lunch & Learn: Judge Clarence Seeliger

Listen in as Judge Clarence Seeliger discusses his collection and career as a judge in DeKalb County

DeKalb History Center Soul Food

2022 Black History Month Celebration-Soul Food

Join us for the 2022 Black History Month Celebration! Learn about DeKalb County’s Soul Food history

End of Year Fundraiser: Support the Archives

Donate to help support the archives

DeKalb Traveler: Decatur Cemetery

Take a tour of the Decatur Cemetery

Hops at the History Center: Georgia Made

Get to know some of Georgia’s most influential people of the twentieth century

2021-Phoenix Flies Tours with the Atlanta Preservation Center

Learn about the architectural details of some of Decatur’s historic hidden gems

Hops at the History Center: Georgia Tech Architecture

Learn about Georgia Tech’s diverse campus architecture

Evening Historic Courthouse Tour

Learn about the history of the Historic DeKalb Courthouse

A Ghostly Night at the Courthouse

Enjoy a spooky night at the Historic DeKalb Courthouse

Special Edition: Happy Hour Courthouse Tour

Enjoy a beverage and learn about the history of this magnificent structure

Lunch & Learn: A Journey from Column to Book

Learn about an author’s journey from newspaper column to book

Atlanta's Olympic Resurgence

Hops at the History Center: Atlanta’s Olympic Resurgence

Learn about Atlanta’s transformation from a struggling city to an international icon

Member Reception: Avondale Estates Exhibit

Enjoy a first glimpse of our newest exhibit with fellow DHC members

Decatur Architectural Walking Tour

Learn about the architectural details of some of Decatur’s historic gems

Hops at the History Center: A Scenic Georgia Sketchbook

Take a look at Georgia’s architectural treasures through the lens of an architect’s sketchbook

Member Happy Hour and Collection Unveiling

Grab your favorite beverage and join us virtually for an exciting preview of Judge Clarence Seeliger’s newly donated collection

Virtual Lunch & Learn: The Importance of Documenting Our History

Learn the best way to collect the history of your family

Annual Meeting and Happy Hour

Join fellow DHC members, staff, and board members for this year’s Annual Meeting

House Style 101 Workshop

Get to know the most common house styles in Georgia

Phoenix Flies: Virtual Courthouse Tour

Take a virtual tour of the Historic DeKalb Courthouse

Book Talk: The Jewish Community of Atlanta

Tune in to hear all about the history of the Jewish community in Atlanta

Book Talk: Hidden History of Old Atlanta

Learn about the hidden history of old Atlanta

2021 Black History Month Celebration-Geneology

Tune in as we celebrate the African American families that shaped DeKalb’s and Atlanta’s history


We need your help to keep our collections healthy and happy. Donate today!

Virtual Lunch & Learn: Athos Menaboni

Join Russell Clayton as he speaks about the life and work of Athos Menaboni

Book Talk: Travis Swann Taylor

Check out the guidebook outlining the top 111 places in Atlanta you have to visit!

Virtual Halloween Tour of the Historic DeKalb Courthouse

Discover the haunted history of the Historic DeKalb Courthouse

Q&A with the Southeastern Institute of Paranormal Research

Is the Trinity Place Historic Complex haunted?

Virtual Book Q&A with Linton Hopkins

Learn all about Bobby Jones and where he learned to play golf

Virtual Lunch and Learn: Dr. Sinead Younge

Documenting the intersections of the twin pandemics of COVID-19 and social injustice

Virtual Book Talk: Secret Atlanta

Learn about all the weird, wonderful, and obscure places Atlanta has to offer!

Member Meet Up: Trivia

Study up and test your knowledge on DeKalb County history!

The COVID-19 Chronicles

The COVID-19 Chronicles

We want to hear from you!

Lunch & Learn: Donaldson-Bannister Farm

Learn about the story of the Donaldson-Bannister Farm located in Dunwoody, GA

Volunteer Docent Training: Courthouse Tours

Become a volunteer docent with the DeKalb History Center

Lunch & Learn: Atlanta’s African American Culinary History

Learn about the major role African Americans played in the culinary history of Atlanta

Research Class Series: African American Genealogy in DeKalb

Learn how to research your genealogy in DeKalb County

2020 Black History Month Celebration-Jazz

Come and learn about the Jazz Age in the South

Research Class Series: How to Research Historic Homes and Properties

Learn how to research your historic home or property

Dance Hall Decatur

Ring in 2020 with a roaring 1920s-themed New Year’s Eve bash

Lunch & Learn: Refuge or Refusal, A Conversation

Learn about the turning points in U.S. immigration policy and their impacts

Hops: Residents of Oakland Cemetery

Get to know residents who helped make Atlanta what it is today

Give Five for the Archives

Donate to help the archives today

Hops: Georgia Place Names

Learn the origin stories of Georgia’s most interesting place-names

DeKalb History: Lyon Farmhouse

Lunch & Learn: Lyon Farm Restoration

Lyon Farm Restoration with Arabia Mountain Heritage Area

DeKalb History: Lyon Farmhouse

Member Meet Up – Lyon Farm

Member Only Tour and Picnic

Hops: Prohibition in Atlanta

Explore the history of Atlanta during Prohibition

DeKalb History Center Spooky

Historic Courthouse Tour: Spooky Edition

Join DHC as we recount the spooky history of the building

DeKalb History Center: Bobby Jones Program

Lunch & Learn: Bobby Jones’ East Lake

Linton C. Hopkins talks about: East Lake – Where Bobby Learned to Play

Lunch & Learn: Davidson-Arabia Mountain Nature Preserve

Chip Davidson, III, and the Davidson-Arabia Mountain Nature Preserve

Party with the Past: Clarkston Community Center

Explore the most diverse square mile in America—Clarkston!