A Ghostly Night at the CourthouseSeptember 14, 2021Enjoy a spooky night at the Historic DeKalb Courthouse
Special Edition: Happy Hour Courthouse TourAugust 25, 2021Enjoy a beverage and learn about the history of this magnificent structure
Lunch & Learn: A Journey from Column to BookJuly 21, 2021Learn about an author's journey from newspaper column to book
Hops at the History Center: Atlanta’s Olympic ResurgenceJuly 19, 2021Learn about Atlanta's transformation from a struggling city to an international icon
Member Reception: Avondale Estates ExhibitJuly 1, 2021Enjoy a first glimpse of our newest exhibit with fellow DHC members
Decatur Architectural Walking TourJune 17, 2021Learn about the architectural details of some of Decatur's historic gems
Hops at the History Center: A Scenic Georgia SketchbookJune 3, 2021Take a look at Georgia’s architectural treasures through the lens of an architect’s sketchbook
Member Happy Hour and Collection UnveilingApril 29, 2021Grab your favorite beverage and join us virtually for an exciting preview of Judge Clarence Seeliger's newly donated collection
Virtual Lunch & Learn: The Importance of Documenting Our HistoryMarch 19, 2021Learn the best way to collect the history of your family
Annual Meeting and Happy HourMarch 9, 2021Join fellow DHC members, staff, and board members for this year's Annual Meeting