Name: *
Address: *
City / Town: *
Zip Code: *
Email: *
Phone: *
Birthday: *
Are you a DHC Member?: *YesNo
Emergency contact: *
Relationship: *
What interests you about volunteering for The DeKalb History Center?
How did you hear about us?
Relevant Experience and/or Skills:
Please read the following agreement and sign below:
I certify that the information given on this application is true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge. All volunteers must provide their own transportation and/or parking. It is the policy of the DeKalb History Center to afford equal opportunity to all volunteers and applicants without regard to age, sex, race, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, marital status, or physical disability. In connection with my voluntary involvement in activities undertaken for, and with the participation and support of the DeKalb History Center, I hereby agree, for myself, my heirs, assigns, executors and administrators to release, discharge and hold harmless DeKalb County, its Board of Commissioners, the DeKalb History Center, its employees, agents and volunteers from all claims, demands, actions or any cause or suit arising from injuries sustained to my person and/or property as a result of my involvement in such activities, whether or not resulting from negligence. I hereby attest that my attendance and involvement in such activities is voluntary, that I am participating at my own risk, and that I have read the foregoing terms and conditions of this release. In addition, I agree to keep confidential any patron information I may encounter. I understand that the DeKalb History Center does not provide medical coverage for volunteers. If qualified for volunteer service, I agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the DeKalb History Center.
Signature: *
NOTE: All applicants are subject to interview and background check, requiring Social Security number